fifteens 5k

The one where I go 26.2….

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Here we are… a week removed from my very first marathon…. yep- you read that right…. I finally did it! I am no longer a marathon virgin! Overall the experience went well… minus the knee pain that kicked in at mile 2 😦 but needless to say I battled through and was able to finish the race- thanks in large part to my cousin Bekah Metzdorf who ran with me for the last 9 miles and kept me moving when all I wanted to do was stop… and to all those who came out and cheered!! I was so humbled to see how many people recognized what a big deal this was for me and wanted to support me… I was very moved by each and every one of you and to be honest – you all kept me going… I wish I could describe in words what it meant to see you all. You moved me and I will never forget each of you that took the time our of your lives to be a part of such an important piece of mine!


I finished in 4:01…. had hoped to be at 4 hours or under but am ok with 4:01…. I did stop once (and only once the whole time) to go to the bathroom so I figure that’s where my extra minute came in and I am ok with that. 🙂 I am honestly just thrilled that I was able to do it at all… with the hamstring and glute injury I was not sure that I was going to be able to run it at all….


I sit here now at Mill City Running in Minneapolis for the Fifteens 5k run training group that I am supposed to be out on but I cannot go… sadly during the marathon I developed IT band tendonitis and a potential stress fracture in my left foot. 😦 I knew marathons were hard on your body but did not expect that. So I am not able to run for a few weeks- which is probably good for me…..but is also killing me. I miss it when I cannot do it. Here’s hoping with some physical therapy, rest, ice, and anti-inflammatories that I am running again in no time…. especially since I am signed up to do the tough mudder in July with my family…

To commemorate one of the biggest accomplishments I have ever achieved and something a very small percentage of the population can say they have done…  I got my tattoo… literally 3 hours after I finished the race- I figured if I was going to be in pain- might as well get it all done in one day…. and the hubs even likes it 🙂 Oddly enough it ends up being right over the area where the stress fracture is… guess that makes the tattoo story even better….


p.s. registration is open for Fifteens 5k…. sign up and finish the race on home plate at target field! We guarantee a good time!


Song: My fav during the marathon was “clarity” by Zedd

Distance: 26.2 baby!!!!

Quote: “The number of “followers” you have does not make you better than any one else. Hitler had millions, Jesus had 12″